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General information

Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences was established on 30 October 2017 by the decision adopted by the City of Bjelovar on the change of name of the Technical College in Bjelovar to the Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences. Technical College in Bjelovar was founded in 2007 by the decision of the City of Bjelovar, which is the institution’s only founder. In the very centre of the city, but at the same time in a quiet and safe environment, students can pursue their studies in modern, well-equipped facilities and laboratories. Three study programmes are delivered by the University:

undergraduate professional study programme in Mechatronics,
undergraduate professional study programme in Nursing,
undergraduate professional study programme in Computer Science and
graduate professional study programme in Nursing.

In addition to contemporary teaching practices, the University prides itself on the Student Entrepreneurship and Technology Incubator, which provides students with opportunities for extending their knowledge of new technologies and entrepreneurship.

Address: Trg Eugena Kvaternika 4, 43000 Bjelovar, Croatia
Personal Identification Number: 16575582886
Registration Number: 2375958
Court Registration Number: 010069402
University IBAN Number :  HR2324020061100525045