Dean’s word
The City of Bjelovar is the sole founder of the Polytechnic and is making exceptional efforts and investing resources to ensure that Polytechnic students enjoy the same student standards as those in other cities. Currently, there are ongoing works on the adaptation and reconstruction of a building near the Polytechnic, which will soon become a student dormitory, attracting new students and enabling more intensive internationalization of our institution.
The development plans for the coming period are ambitious and challenging. However, the times ahead are also demanding, as are the procedures for external evaluations (reaccreditation, external evaluation of the quality assurance system) that await us.
Institutions and results are created by people. Motivated, interested, cooperative, and engaged people. The task of the dean is to recognize people’s capacities and interests and to foster a sense of institutional involvement and the ability of people to influence development.
In everything we do and will do, we will be driven by key values: integrity, authenticity, and development.
Kind regards,
mr. sc. Tatjana Badrov, senior lecturer